wangji walks back the way they came from and comes accross jiang cheng!! >_<what should he do?

uh oh, it seems wangji may have annoyed jiang cheng!!jiang cheng walks away without saying anything and wangji is now very sad because he will not find his hubby (つ﹏⊂)

jiang cheng sees wangji staring at him and asks him what he wants!wangji tells him he's looking for his hubby but jiang cheng tells him to bother wen ning instead ( ︶︿︶)he leaves before wangji can say thank you but now wangji is very happy (⌒∇⌒) time to go find wen ning!
wangji finally finds wen ning!! \( ^▽^ )/ but it seems wen ning is busy... what should wangji do? (*  ̄︿ ̄) ˀˀ

wen ning tells wangji he saw his hubby with zewu jun a while ago! :Dwangji bows and turns around to continue the search for his hubby!!wen ning smiles and continues with what he was doing! <( ̄︶ ̄)>

wen ning got sad because you didn't approach him (◞‸◟;)
==after turning many corners and walking very far, wangji finally finds his brother zewu jun!! ∖(^▽^)∕ ==he seems to be talking to someone but wangji can't really see who his brother is talking to… ^╭╮^should wangji disturb zewu jun?

wangji decides to let his brother zewu jun talk to the mysterious person! >.<good choice! he finds a quiet place to sit down and looks around the small town square. his eyes fall on two figures that seem familiar...who could they be? (・・?)

oh no!! zewu jun is talking to the one person wangji did not want to see today, meng yao (  ̄^ ̄ )wangji turns around immediately and goes back to the jingshi to wait for his hubby instead.
the familiar duo turns out to be no one other than nie mingjue and nie huaisang! (^v^) but they seem to be involved in a small argument...who should wangji approach?

nie mingjue seems really surprised to see wangji!! (´⊙ω⊙`)!wangji asks mingjue if he has seen his hubby and mingjue glances around the courtyard before looking back at wangji. he tells wangji he hasn't seen his hubby but mingjue thinks wen qing can help!! ( ̄ー ̄)b!wangji thanks clan leader nie and quickly goes to look for wen qing!

oh no!! (/□\*)・゜wangji asks around town if anyone has seen wen qing but no one has seen her! a lan disciple tells wangji that wen qing left earlier that morning to go help out in another town... (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っit's becoming dark and cold so wangji goes back to the jingshi to wait for his hubby there.

nie huaisang waves at wangji when he walks over!! (。≧◇≦)ノwangji asks the younger if he has seen his hubby anywhere and huaisang tells wangji that he saw wei ying talking to zixuan and yanli earlier that day!!wangji asks huaisang where zixuan is and huaisang tells him to go right and then left to find zixuan! (ノ>▽<。)ノ
wangji goes left and right and finds zixuan at a small shop!! however it seems zixuan is trying to buy something from the shop owner (´・_・‘)should wangji wait or immediately talk to zixuan?

oopsie!! wangji waits a little too long to talk to zixuan and watches as zixuan is whisked away by a disciple of the jin clan (︶︹︺)wangji is sad and returns back to the jingshi.

zixuan is only a little bit surprised when wangji grabs his arm (・□・;) wangji asks him when he last talked to his hubby and zixuan explains to him that he was with yanli!!zixuan blushes when he explains to wangji where he can find yanli (//-//)
wangji finds yanli walking near the water!! she seems to be humming a song to herself (◡‿◡✿)how should wangji approach her?

oh no!! wangji scared yanli (っ◞‸◟c)yanli apologises profusely but walks away before wangji can ask her where his hubby is...

yanli turns around and is pleasantly surprised!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)wangji bows politely and asks if she may have seen his hubby. she smiles and tells wangji where she last saw his hubby!!wangji gets really excited and walks over there immediately 6((((≧▽≦))))9
the forest just outside the town is a little bit scary (/_\) but wangji knows where his hubby is so he keeps walking despite it being very scary!!==he hears a speaking voice behind a small bush and decides to go check it out (⊃‿⊂) ==
wangji goes to check and finds... wei ying!! (ノ。≧◇≦)ノ
finally wangji has found his hubby!!! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪he is very happy and spends time with his hubby and the cute little bunnies (*’∀’人)♡when wangji and his hubby go back home, wei ying is very tired from playing with the bunnies! but luckily wangji is there to carry him all the way back like the loving husband he is (♡ >ω< ♡)
wangji is grateful for you helping him!! o(*≧‿≦)o